An Evidence-Based Practice
Talk to A Scientist-PractitionerMost clinical psychologists are trained to be both scientists and practitioners. We are supposed to adhere to scientific methods, procedures, and research in our day-to-day practice. Our goals are to:
use scientific methodology in our practice-decisions;
work with clients using scientifically valid methods, tools, and techniques;
inform clients of scientifically-based findings and approaches to their problems; and
conduct practice-based research.
I do my best to adhere to the ideals and tenets of the scientist–practitioner model in my private practice. My overriding goal is to find an effective treatment for each client--one that is most likely to help a client achieve his or her goals. As a scientist-practitioner who adheres to a professional code of conduct, I can never promise a client that a treatment will work. Whenever possible, I offer a treatment that has been scientifically validated through extensive research. For example, I often use cognitive-behavior techniques because research demonstrates they are effective in treating depression, anxiety, and other emotional and behavioral problems.
Consistent with the scientist-practioner model, I have authored or co-authored 20 peer-reviewed scientific publications on stress, anxiety, depression, and cognitive therapy. I have also presented theoretical and empirical papers on these topics to psychologists at state and national conventions. And I have given talks to local community organizations on stress management, cognitive therapy for depression, and cognitive therapy for anxiety.
So you can see that I have the utmost respect for the scientist-practitioner model.
Having said this, I must also acknowledge that no psychologist has ever been smart enough to develop an integrated, grand theory of the human mind--much less support it with research.
So I try to be opened-minded and draw on four other sources of guidance in my practice:
27 years of clinical experience;
theories that may not be well-researched, but still make us more intelligible than we would be without them;
the unique characteristics, situations, and preferences of my clients; and
feedback from my clients.
Let me comment on how useful feedback from my clients has been. When I worked at PepsiCo, we hired psychologists to train our executives in negotiating skills. One of them wrote the following definition of "skill" on a chalkboard:
Skill = Knowledge + Practice + Feedback.
I strive for wisdom by acknowledging what I don't know while being guided by what I do. This is what it means to me to be a scientist-practitioner in an evidence-based practice.
Gregory Garamoni, Ph.D.
Call 285-4229 for an appointment
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