Dr. Garamoni and his colleague, Dr. Robert M. Schwartz, have presented theoretical and empirical papers on their States of Mind Model to psychologists at state and national conventions. Over the last 22 years, this model has generated substantial research on how the balance between positive and negative thinking is related to stress, anxiety, depression, and other emotional problems.
Garamoni, G. L., & Schwartz, R.M. (1987, August). A taxonomy of alternative models of polarity in the internal dialogue. In R.M. Schwartz (Chair), Cognitive‑affective balance in anxiety, depression, and hypomania, a symposium conducted at the 95th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York.
Schwartz, R.M., & Garamoni, G.L. (1989, April). The idea of balance and integrative psychotherapy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration, Berkeley, California.
Schwartz, R.M., & Garamoni, G.L. (1987, August). States of mind model: The golden section and psychopathology. Paper presented at the Seventh International Congress on Personal Construct Psychology, Memphis, Tennessee.
Schwartz, R.M., & Garamoni, G.L. (1986, August). States of mind model: Anxiety, depression, and coping with stress. Paper presented at the 94th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Schwartz, R.M., & Garamoni, G.L. (1986, June). Balanced thinking and psychological health. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Schwartz, R.M., & Garamoni, G.L. (1984, November). The internal dialogue and anxiety: Asymmetries between positive and negative coping thoughts. In L. Michelson (Chair), Cognitive‑behavioral assessment and treatment of major anxiety disorders: Current strategies and future perspectives, a symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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